Introduce yourself — Stelle dich vor

Hi! Welcome here! I am so proud and happy for you that you have signed in to go on this adventure with me and your class-mates during this year.

If you'd like to, you are welcome to introduce yourself. What got you here? What is your goal? What are your hopes and fears? How do you deal with a group in general? Are you a teamplayer or a leader? Are you an introvert introvert or an extrovert introvert? What makes your day?

What else should we get to know about you and your life 'til now and what is your vision of your life to be after your most divine dreams?

Try to be as honest as possible, you know the group is small and every mask will be exposed at the end. Truth always finds its way.

Try to answer in simple but precise sentences, you are not supposed to write a bestseller. The more you reduce it to the core, the more of a clear image we and you will get.

So, I will be impressed by your courage anyway and bow down before your divine being. Thank you for being here again.

LOVE Verena

Please take the quiz and see how the questions will reveal specific facets of your status quo. I will invite you the other day to retake the quiz and you will definitely feel new about the questions, because you have already freed a lot. Today every answer is good. Take your time with each question. Feel the answer, sometimes the real true authentic answer is deeply buried under thoughts we believe about ourselves. Also check what else is included in the question, many facets of i.e. being a creator can appear. Just start in trust and feel free to comment below.

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