Exercise 3 | Should I or should I not — Soll ich oder soll ich nicht

This excercise is the best method to use your intuition on questions and decisions to be made. I may add I did not invent it (I adapted it to my use) but I get great results and you should also try if interested. Ask your question and on two small pieces of paper you put the two possibilities or a yes and a no. The focus should be on the best outcome the question may have for you. For example. You want to travel somewhere. And you you have two options where to go. Then fold the papers and mix and throw the pieces on the ground with a positive vibe of trusting to get the best result whatever it may be. Now you literally sit down on the first paper and by inhaling and being really with the question and the answer you sit on and feeling it, images will apear, feelings may rise, insights may be given. Just observe and let it be. Then move on to the second paper and do the same. Listen and observe. When you feel ready, you decide for yourself which serves you better and which one makes you (more) happy. Once clear, you can unfold the papers and there you have your answer. Your intuition has led you to it. A higher self has given you inner wisdom to go further on your path. You may use this exercise for every question in life. Just learn to trust your intuition and start with easy things and then you can take the milestones.


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